Image of Builder Pattern

Builder Design Pattern

16 Sept 2024 • 7 min read

Problem Statement

  • Consider a scenario where we have a complex object to be initialised. This object might require like 8-9 properties to initialise with. Now, some of these properties can have similar types, while some of them can be optional, while others might be required, or optional with a default value. It becomes difficult for the clients to initialise such objects.
  • Moreover, even if the client goes about & initialises the object, it becomes a nightmare to maintain such objects. This is because, due to multiple parameters passed to the constructor, it becomes hard to see which property means what.


  • One way to solve this issue is to use the Builder Pattern. According to the builder pattern, we create a new object, i.e. the builder object. We allow users to set parameters on this builder object using methods, and there is a build method in the end which finally creates a new person object using the already set properties & returns it.
  • It is to note that the interim methods that are used to set properties are designed such that those methods have the following structure (somewhat, and not exactly):
    1. Do some data-validation. Make sure the value that is being set is valid.
    2. Set the value to the builder object’s property
    3. Return the instance of self, i.e. instance of itself.


There’s a few other ways one can solve this problem:

  1. Instead of accepting individual values, we can accept an object of values & provide an interface for the user to adhere.

    • Pros:

      1. Straightforward approach as all required params can be passed at once. Its usually a good option for simpler objects with a small number of parameters.
      2. Less code overhead as passing parameters directly through an interface may involve less code & be more concise.
    • Cons:

      1. Assigning default values to optional parameters will require its own set of circus.
      2. Validating parameters individually would again require its own set of circus.
      3. Step-by-step construction as provided by builder pattern makes the whole process of building the object intuitive for the clients.
      4. Builder method provides a way of creating immutable objects, but in this case, clients can modify the object passed at initialisation which might lead to unexpected issues.
  2. Instead of creating a builder object, we can create new methods on the product class itself for setting the properties.

    • Pros:

      1. Straightforward approach compared to the builder pattern, atleast for objects with relatively less number of parameters.
      2. Less code overhead as builder class is not required.
    • Cons:

      1. Separation of concerns is lost. Builder pattern offers a way to separate the logic for initialisation with the actual logic of the product.
      2. Immutability is completely lost. Builder pattern provides a way for clients to set parameter values until the build method is called. Once the build method is called, they get an immutable instance of the product. Such an implementation is not possible here.

Implementation Details

  • Builder Pattern can have varied levels of implementations based on the following:

    • When is the builder pattern being introduced in the feature lifecycle
    • What’s the level of re-use for the product object’s creation
  • If the builder pattern is introduced at the design phase itself, the pattern can be introduced to its complete extent. In the form of builder pattern, the following happens:

    • Client interacts with the builder class.
    • Builder class has a build() method which the clients finally call to get an instance of the Product.
    • Internally, the builder object passes itself to the product class when initialising it.
    • The product class is configured such that it accepts the builder object in its constructor & picks the required parameters from it.
  • If the builder pattern is introduced at a later stage, we might just be able to refactor the product class, or to make the following adjustments to the builder class

    • In the build() method of the builder class, we can create a new instance by passing each parameter from the builder object into the constructor of the product class.
  • If the product creation is being duplicated at multiple places across the codebase:

    • We can introduce an optional Director class. This director class will abstract away the logic for creating new instances of the product.
    • Director class can have multiple methods which each return different configurations of the product. These methods might use a similar builder with different parameter values, or they might use different builders.

Solution (Example based)

class Person {
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string,
    age: number,
    address: string,
    email: string,
  ): void {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.age = age;
    this.address = address; = email;

const person = new Person(
  "[email protected]",
// At this moment, creating a person is already less intuitive
// Imagine if we add more properties to the person object

class PersonBuilder {
  constructor(firstName: string, lastName: string): void {
    // Accept all the required properties in the constructor
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

  // Define methods for setting the optional properties

  setAge(age: number): void {
    this.age = age;
    return this;

  setAddress(address: string): void {
    this.address = address;
    return this;

  setEmail(email: string): void { = email;
    return this;

  build(): void {
    return new Person(this);

const person = new PersonBuilder("Sarthik", "Gupta")
  .setAddress("152, Sector 15")
  .setEmail("[email protected]")
// In this case, intialisation of the person is much more readable.

How it solves?

  • Builder pattern provides a cleaner way to initialised complex objects. It makes sure that initialisation of these objects is readable, while at the same time maintainable with separation of concerns.
  • Builder pattern also allows for a way to extend its usage with the use of a Director. The director helps us in creating new instances of the product in a predictable manner, and re-use the logic for building these products across the codebase for consistency.


  1. Flexible Construction - It allows for a flexible & step-by-step construction of complex objects.
  2. Fluent Interface - It offers a fluent interface in a way that it allows for method chaining.
  3. Parameter Validation - Builders can validate parameters as they are set.
  4. Default Values - Builders can set default values for parameters which are optional
  5. Immutability - They allow for creating immutable product objects as once the object is created, it’s immutable in nature.
  6. Separation of Concerns - It helps in separating the construction process from the product class. This separation makes the code more maintainable & modular.
  7. Readability - Builder pattern offers better readability when setting parameter values incase of complex object initialisation.
  8. Code Reusability - Using directors, initialisation logic can be reused across the codebase.


  1. Boilerplate Code - Implementing the builder pattern requires some boilerplate for builder class, as well as for the setter methods of each attribute.
  2. Complexity for Simple Objects - For simple objects with few attributes, builder pattern is an overkill.
  3. Increased number of classes - When using builder pattern, we introduce additional classes in our codebase. This adds an overhead for the number of classes that needs to be maintained.